This is me!

The picture was taken on
T Street, Washington D.C.

Would you believe that picture was taken 3 weeks ago?

No, I didn't think you would!

Fifteen years later...
This is the seawall near Biloxi Mississippi.
Notice the white sandy beach that slopes down to the water.

I was in the U.S. Air Force, stationed at Keesler Air Force Base 
as an instructor in electronics and radar.
I found out then that I loved to teach.

When I worked the night shift, I used to spend my afternoons on this beautiful white sandy beach
getting tanned and taking in the breathtaking sights of the Gulf of Mexico.

One day a storm came up from behind me.

I did not see it coming but I was suddenly made aware of it as a bolt of lightning

struck the beach only a few feet from my head. It was so close that I was sprayed with sand.
Fortunately I had been lying down but I am sure I would have been struck had I been sitting up or standing.

Can I walk on water? Nope!
But I once did a handstand on water!
Or was it a fingerstand?

My life changed completely in 1988 when a most remarkable priest entered 
it when he was assigned to my beautiful Catholic Church.

Father Dermot Dwyer

( January 18, 1923 - May 7, 2005 )

Here is how I got my start in apologetics...

One day in early 1991, Father Dwyer told me that he was tired of hearing about "Marys other children",
and he asked me if I would write a paper explaining just who the real parents of "the brethren" were.
He said that I would find the true parents in the Bible by comparing verses.
Why he asked me to do this, I will never know. I had not written anything that he had ever seen before.
So I blew the dust off of my like new Bible (that ought to tell you something) and found the verses and wrote my first paper:
The Genealogy of the Brethren:
I showed it to him. He liked it. Then it was passed around the parish and I received positive feedback from so many.

That gave me the courage to write on other subjects. For the next few years I wrote new pages and I was always behind, having at least five or six different subjects in mind to do. I was constantly questioning myself, and wondering why I was doing this. After all, the subjects for which I was writing had already been written about many times over by others for the last almost 2000 years.
However, I felt compelled to continue writing.
Meanwhile, Father Dwyer taught thirty-five of us his very own fourteen hour class on basic theology and the Catholic Church. It was so simple, basic, and so meaningful, that it built a fire in myself and in so many others to learn more and ever more. His class is a base for us to build on. It can be likened to a foundation at the foot of a flight of steps upon which we can build one step at a time as we learn. My learning curve went straight up and has never stopped. After the class had ended, that marvelous priest told us all to go out and teach the whole world. I, along with others immediately started teaching his class to others in our group and to friends and family. Father Dwyer wanted each of us to be independent and to be able to stand on our own two feet by ourselves. He told us that he is not going to be around forever and he did not want us to rely on him as a crutch for answers to our questions. He said that he had given us enough material for us to be able to reason out the answers to any questions that may arise.
He also said that when we have advanced in knowledge and built upon the basic foundation that he had laid down, that when we saw ERROR, it would come flying off the page at us like a and it really does. How true!
I continued with my writing, and soon I had some seventy pages written, still not knowing at all why I was doing this. Then one day in 1996 a friend asked me if I had ever seen the internet. I had not, but soon did, and immediately I saw why I had written those seventy pages. Father Dwyer's words "to go out and teach the whole world", immediately came to mind, and I saw the method to use, the internet. I immediately started my first website with those seventy pages. I have been writing ever since, and my learning curve has never ceased to go straight up to this very day. There are now well over three hundred fifty pages on the website not counting the Spanish and Portuguese tranlations.

I owe it all to my dear friend, spiritual director, mentor, teacher, and priest, Father Dwyer.

Here are some tips as to what I did to become a Catholic apologist...

1. First I realized that our beautiful Church was being attacked from all sides and from so many different denominations.
Why do they attack us? What is our plan of defense?
In order to be a good defender of the Catholic Church you must be firmly entrenched in Catholic beliefs and to understand what it is that you must set up as a line of defense.

When you have to teach it, that is the best way to learn it.
We Learn:
10% of what we read.
20% of what we hear.
30% of what we see.
50% of what we both see and hear.
70% of what is discussed with others.
80% of what we experience personally.
95% of what we TEACH to someone else.
...William Glaser

Clearly, TEACHING is by far the best way to learn...

2. How do you find out what the false charges against us are unless you go to the sources from which they come? So I proceeded to go to the sources of those who attack us. Be aware that this approach is not recommended for those who are weak in Catholic teaching, lest you be swayed by ERROR. But as for me, after taking Father Dwyer's class, and especially after teaching several classes myself, I felt competent to refute any attacks against the Catholic Church. I had several email debates and learned a lot about how others think and what they believe.

A. I had a long debate with a highly anti-Catholic SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) who said I would be convinced that he was right and I was wrong if I read the books of their foundress, E.G. White. I would not buy any of her books but he volunteered to send me six of them for free, which he did. What better opportunity did I have to learn about what they believe? I started reading the most controversial of those six books aptly titled, "The Great Controversy", and RED FLAGS popped up all over the place. I gathered all the proof that I needed to refute SDA teaching and their false charges against the Catholic Church, and I did it all, right from their very own material and Sacred Scripture.

B. Next, I had a very long debate with one of the leading Baptist attackers of the Catholic Church. He had written several books against Catholicism. I gathered everything that he had to say, and again RED FLAGS popped out all over the place. I was surprised at his use of eisegesis (reading something into Scripture that simply is not there, 1Cor 4:6 for one). One such outstanding example of his use of eisegesis that I recall, is that he said that Jesus did not give a set of keys to Peter alone, but he gave a set to each of the Apostles. Now you try to find that in the Bible? According to his thinking, Judas is supposed to have a set of keys now, wherever he is.

C. Then Jehovah Witnesses came to my door, and instead of chasing them away, I had them visit for three weeks (outside on a picnic table (2John 1:9-10)), while I picked their brains and obtained, not their subversive tracts, but a few of the books from which they study so I could find ways to refute their teaching. I found so many RED FLAGS that I found it easy to refute them from Holy Scripture, and from their own teaching material.

D. I had an opportunity to study Mormonism since I was in Washington D.C., and not far from the Mormon temple. They have a sales pitch theater next door to the temple, and I took in the show. It was quite plush, with thickly padded comfortable seats, and a theater atmosphere, but with a glass like two way mirrored screen both in front and back of us. Behind the mirrors they had a string of lights that reflected back and forth between the mirrors, and according to their teaching, was to give the impression of looking from the past and into the future. I was not impressed by their program and I saw many RED FLAGS. I obtained their BOM (Book of Mormon) and read it and found several attacks against the Catholic Church. The BOM does not mention the word 'Catholic' per se, but the insinuation is quite clear. I had many RED FLAGS pop up as I read through the BOM. As the story goes, the BOM written on golden plates, was given by an angel named Moroni to Joseph Smith the founder of Mormonism. Soon after that the plates disappeared and have never been found. Mormons consider the BOM to be above the Bible and is another Gospel.
I have not ever had a Mormon reconcile his or her belief to Galatians 1:6-9. Read those verses for yourself, and you will see, an Angel (Moroni), another gospel (the BOM), not delivered by us (St. Paul never preached the BOM), and let him be anathema (excommunicated). How much more explicit, clear, straight forward, and undeniably anti-Mormon, can those verses in Galatians 1:6-9 possibly be?

E. If you want to learn what present day Lutherans teach, then go to them. However, if you want to learn about Martin Luther, the first Protestant and founder of the Lutheran Church, and what he taught, then go directly to his writings. They are a veritable treasure of easily refutable ERRORS in Protestant thinking (the false doctrine of Sola Scriptura for one). However, if you try to go to the source, the Lutheran church that he founded, you might find it to be a disappointment in the small percentage of his rather proliferant writings, that they have to offer. You see, Luther could be very coarse in his written word and some of his material can be an embarassment to them.
I would advise you to search the net or obtain one of the many books written about him and his writings.
One such book title that comes to mind is, "Luther Said What?".

I have given you only five examples of how I had gone to the source of those who falsely attack the Catholic Church, studied their beliefs, and formulated plans of defense of our beautiful Catholic Church. I have done the same for so many others as well.

In summary:
1. Learn your faith so you will be able to spot the RED FLAGS of ERROR.
2. Make it a practice to always go to the source to learn the 'who, what, where, when, and how', so you will be able to defend the Catholic Church against the slings and arrows of those who falsely accuse us. The best source for Catholic teaching is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Be sure that you have a copy, and read it.
I firmly believe that those who make those false charges are ignorant of Catholic teaching. They simply believe what they are told by their sect, and refuse to GO TO THE SOURCE TO FIND THE TRUTH about the Catholic Church.
3. Brush up on the Bible. Non-Catholics like to throw verses at us, such as "Call no man father" (Matt 23:9) for one. However, do not be intimidated, as there are very few verses that they quote, and they pay little or no attention to the context in which the verses are used.
4. When false charges are made against us, such as the Church went into apostasy early on, or the Church was founded by Constantine, always demand genuine historical documents as 'proof' of what they say. You will find that they never have any. 
5. Remember, the truth can be easily defended. However the lie can never be proven.
6. As Pope John Paul II had said many times, "Be Not Afraid".
7. Read James 5:19-20 for some comforting thoughts for those defenders of our beautiful Catholic Church.

GOD Bless,

Written by Bob Stanley
February 20, 2008
Updated April 10, 2008
Updated August 13, 2008

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