Biblical Promises, Prophecies, and Commands...
Are they to be heeded, wished away, or ignored?
Who should we believe, the Word of GOD, or those who deny it?

Some Promises from Scripture:

"....and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". Matthew 16:18
That is what the Bible promises, but many insist that the gates of hell did prevail against the Church which Jesus Christ founded.
Who should we believe, the Word of GOD or those who deny it?

"Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world."
Matthew 28:19-20
That is what the Bible says, but many insist that Jesus Christ left His Church soon after the last Apostle died because, as they say, His Church fell into apostasy.
Who should we believe, the Word of GOD or those who deny it?

Some Prophecies from Scripture:

"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come." John 16:13
That is what Jesus Christ prophesied to us, but many instead insist on something called "Sola Scriptura", where "everything" is in the Bible already, and therefore there are no "things that are to come".
Many insist that this verse applies to them, and therefore each of them is "guided into all the truth", by the "Spirit of Truth". What they fail to see is that Jesus Christ was not speaking to every individual, or to the crowds here, but to His Apostles only. The Apostles will be the ones guided into all the truth, and not the public at large. He left it up to the Apostles and their successors to guide the whole world (Acts 1:8) into all the truth through the teaching Church which He founded (Matthew 16:18, Matthew 28:20, John 21:15-17, Acts 15:28). Jesus spoke to the crowds in John 12 for the last time. After that He spoke only to His disciples in John chapters 13 through 17.
Who should we believe, the Word of GOD or those who deny it?

Some Commands from Scripture:

"Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word, or letter."
2Thessalonians 2:15
That is what the Bible says, but many insist that we should disobey this command of GOD, and not hold the traditions.
Who should we believe, the Word of GOD or those who deny it?

"For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed;" Luke 1:48 
That is what the Bible says, but in my experience with non-Catholics, not one has ever called her blessed.
"Henceforth", means from the moment she said it until the end of time.
"All generations", certainly includes every Christian from the time she said it almost 2000 years ago until this very day.
"Will", is a command and not a suggestion.
"Call me blessed".
This is a direct command from Scripture and yet non-Catholics ignore it almost completely.
Who should  we believe, the Word of GOD, or those who deny it, disobey it, or simply ignore it?

The forgoing examples are what the Bible has instructed us to obey, but many ignore them all.
Who should  we believe, the Word of GOD or those who deny it?

Written by Bob Stanley, July 22, 2008

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