Father Dwyer and the Blessed Virgin Mary...
Beautiful things that he said about Her in his homilies.

What did SHE ever do wrong to have us put HER down?

SHE is the most beautiful creature GOD ever made.

SHE was the 'maid servant'. He is the 'suffering servant'. 

ST Ignatius said to his queen, "I am going to serve another Queen,
whose beauty will never fade and whose reign will last forever".

Let us take our ideas not from tv but from BV. (Blessed Virgin)

The ones who do not honor MARY miss the most beautiful creature GOD
ever created.
It is impossible to think of the child without thinking of HIS mother.

ST JOSEPH was guarding the most important cargo in the world.

Just try and you will see MARYS influence with HER SON.

Columbus sailing under the patronage of MARY.

Columbus' ship was not named Santa Maria as the history books say. It

MARY was special and SHE is special in our lives.

Martin Luther said "When you say SHE is the mother of GOD, you
have said it all".

We cling to MARY and conquer with CHRIST.

HE will do whatever SHE asks of HIM.

SHE is unique in all the world.

GOD did not raise any creature higher than Mary.

The first Eve obeyed the serpent. The second Eve obeyed GOD.

HER SON resides in our Church.

Because SHE has requested HIM, HE will not refuse HER.

HE cannot say 'no' to HER.

If we invite them into our lives, (JESUS and MARY) they will help us.

Only two persons could say, "This is my beloved SON", GOD the FATHER
and Mary.

HE was GOD but HE was obedient to them. (Joseph and Mary)

HE was conceived in a virgin womb and buried in a virgin tomb.

HE got HIS human nature from Mary and HIS divine nature from GOD.

HE loved us more than HE loved Her because we are sinners. She is sinless.

Tears She shed were replaced by a crown.

Mary said, as she tucked in Her son with the shroud, "Now son, you have
had a busy day, and now you can rest".

She who grew out of the dirt became the Lily of the world. (BL MARY)

We don't worship statues of 'Our Lady'. Do you worship the statue of

We will never back off from loving Her. We are proud to love Her.

Holy MARY, we know very well who you are.

SHE is not just HIS disciple, but HIS mother.

Mary was taken up to Heaven enthroned in a cloud.

Compiled by Bob Stanley
March 15, 2008

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