Memorable Quotes From Father Dwyer About GOD...

You say you are too busy to do GOD's work?

GOD obeys the priests in the sacraments.

Along the street of knowledge, some men knock at every door except GODS'.

On page one of the Bible, GOD created man.
On page two, man fouled up.   
On page three GOD had to send HIS Son to save man born of woman.

A man told GOD that the cross he was carrying was too heavy and he
would like a smaller one. GOD showed him an array of crosses from very
large to very small and told him to pick the one he wanted. The man picked
the smallest one. GOD said "My son, that is the same cross you have been
carrying all along".

 God won't let us have the past. It is gone. GOD will not let  
 us see the future. All we have is this moment now.

If you do something for GOD, HE will repay you a hundred times over.

Greater love hath no man than to give his life for his        
friend, but GOD did. HE gave HIS life for HIS enemies.

All authority comes from GOD.

We must love GOD for man's sake. We must love all men for GODS' sake.

GOD must be first in our lives.

GOD spared Abrahams son but HE did not spare HIS own SON.

In Baptism, sin goes out and GOD comes in.

GOD bless America. Yes, but first let America bless GOD.

What a sad thing it is when GOD offers Himself to us and we say, "NO".

Be quiet and say nothing and listen to GOD speaking to you.

HE (GOD) is outside of time and space.

We cannot have true happiness in this life without GOD.

If we do not pay close attention to GOD, there could be sudden
death and we end up in the wrong eternity.

GOD died for me and that means an awful lot to me.

Children are borrowed from GOD, and returned to GOD.

The word of GOD is emblazoned like a neon sign,

We have the worlds way, and we have GOD'S way. Which will you choose?

Who really died on the cross? GOD did.

Everything that I have that is good, comes from GOD.

If we die turned away from GOD, then we are turned away forever.

You think you have little talents. You have great talents with GOD.

GOD is never outdone in generosity.

A drop of water falls upon a grape vine and the wine from the grape
becomes GOD. That is how water becomes GOD.

We must be burning with fire for GOD.

Why are only some of us focused in on GOD and so many others are not?

Each one of us has a soul to save and GOD to obey.

The Priest needs his parishioners. I give thanks to GOD for you.

If we are filled with love, we are filled with GOD.

Our limited minds cannot grasp an unlimited GOD.

The responsibility to teach the children about GOD is on the parents.

GOD takes a raggedy old cloak (tilma) and makes a masterpiece out of it.

Man has no valid reason for running away from GOD.

GOD came down from the stars so we could go up to the stars.

In Eden, man was made in the image of GOD.
In Bethlehem, GOD came in the image of man.

GOD pulls us up to HIS level, we do not pull HIM down to ours.

GOD gives us time. Man gives us calendars.

No one can substitute for GOD.

With GOD, we have everything. Without HIM we have nothing.

My friend,(GOD) who never lets me down, never attacks me.

What is the use of looking for GOD in other places
if you have lost HIM in your heart?

Poppies opening to GODS' sun.

Take a coin and look at it and what does it say?

GOD on that cross died for me.

A human never approaches to be so like GOD as when he loves.

GOD made you beautiful so you would love yourself.

GOD made you beautiful and lovable without limit.

HE was GOD but HE was obedient to them. (Joseph and Mary)

A Priest is only human and has his faults,
but he does the best he can for GOD.

If a person is close to GOD, he will receive cynical remarks from others
that he has too much religion. 

If you go beyond your quota in your praise of GOD, you will be ridiculed.

If you praise GOD too much,
snipers will shoot at you and sharks will snap at you.

It is absolute necessary to keep GOD in focus
if we want to live forever with HIM in eternity.

GOD carried the cross that we should have carried.

One cannot put an unlimited GOD in a limited mind.

Have I ever cried for destroying GOD with my sins?

GOD gave us a second chance. If we don't take it, we may not get another.

We must change because GOD doesn't change.

GOD makes only good people.

HE proved HE was GOD by HIS miracles, prophesies, and resurrection.

Our little children know more about GOD than the mighty ones of the world.

No matter how low they go, they are not beyond the plunging mercy of GOD.

We must remember G.G.G., the Greater Glory of GOD.

Others say you can't be perfect, but GOD says you must be perfect. (Matt 5:48)

GOD invites us to be Princes of Peace with HIM.

GOD made you to be a winner, not a loser.

GOD says, "My Peace Is MY Gift To You, Please Accept It."

We go from the spirit of life to the Spirit of GOD.

The cloud is a symbol of GODS' presence.

People don't have time for Almighty GOD, but they do for the almighty
dollar and they cannot take it with them.

The greatest gift GOD gives us is the Holy Eucharist.

Compiled by Bob Stanley
March 21, 2008

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